We all know kids like what grownups like—especially video gaming. But setting children up for enjoyable, safe experiences requires designing products specifically for them.
Logitech had designed a broad range of headsets, but we’d never created one for children—a challenge we were overdue to tackle.
Our kid-friendly headphones would need to:
Fit comfortably, and adjust as kids grew.
Cap audio at 85 dB, with the ability to override for an adult user.
Provide sidetone, allowing kids to hear a little bit of their own voice, so they can modulate their volume.
Be particularly suitable for gaming.
Be wireless, and compatible with a wide variety of devices, so Bluetooth connectivity would be a must.
And, of course, they’d have to look great.
Given Logitech’s headset legacy, meeting the first 3 requirements was straightforward, as we had extensive blueprints for head sizes, decibel levels, and sidetone. The tricky part of the design? The interaction.
What buttons did we need? Where would they go? How would they work? Fewer buttons means easier use, but we also needed to ensure our headphones offered a more-than-just-sufficient experience for kids. And we had to fulfill these criteria while keeping the price right for parents.
Fortunately we were working in parallel on a project establishing research-backed gaming device design standards for various elements, such as button placement and interaction, LED behaviors, and battery information. Building our headset on this foundation allowed us to focus on requirements beyond the must-haves.
For instance, we decided we’d use a + / - control, with clicks, rather than a roller, to control game volume and sidetone level. Holding down the mute button would allow someone to toggle between the 2 modes, an action not possible with a single roller. The + / - control would also be the not-easily-discovered way to reach parent volume settings.
We also decided this headset wouldn’t have a boom mic, a first for Logitech. Instead, the G435 would use beamforming, which works by training 2 microphones, each receiving information from different points, to filter out non-essential sounds, so a gamer could enjoy front-prioritized audio. While the usual way to offer this was with a boom mic, we realized it would get in the way of eating, as well as add an easily breakable piece to a design we wanted to keep sleek and sturdy.
Building in Bluetooth capability was another must, so kids wouldn’t have the fuss and limitations of a USBA-only dongle, which many phones and gaming consoles don’t work with. Without adaptors and devices to deal with, the G435 headset would offer kids the flexibility to play on any Bluetooth-compatible device.
We also wanted to deliver a truly sustainable gaming headset, which turned out to be Logitech’s most sustainable yet. And because sustainability is bound with inclusivity, our design for the first time includes Braille, to aid those with visual impairments in distinguishing the left and right sides.
Ultimately, we wanted all these great features to come in a form that would appeal to kids and adults, and that would stand out. So we worked with our CMF (color, materials, and finishes) team, who used foundational elements akin to what we used for gaming devices to guide external appearance. They already knew what types of plastics, fabrics, and foams would both appeal and meet our sustainability requirements. Research had also shown where color was best placed, to guide and enhance the experience.
Last was extensive testing to ensure every element of the G435 headset could withstand extensive, and even sometimes rough, use—which kids definitely dish out.
The result is a product that’s well on its way to becoming one of Logitech’s best-selling gaming headsets yet, offering thoughtful design and top quality at an accessible price.
First Logitech headset with beamforming microphone instead of mic boom
First Logitech headset with volume limiter (85dB default, 100dB with override)
Logitech’s most sustainable gaming headset yet
Logitech G’s least expensive wireless gaming headset
Teen-first form factor and design
Sized to fit teens’ and kids’ heads while still suitable for adults
Dual audio source Bluetooth or Lightspeed
22% certified post-consumer recycled plastic by weight
3 color combos